Call it Continuing Ed or Professional Development, it's important to improve one's self in all businesses and the arts are no exception. Actually, it could be argued that we need that kind of training even more in the arts.
College preparation is changing, but I know many folks with art degrees and little business training to help them market and plan strategically for success. With that said, artists
can be some of the best business people because of their creative problem solving skills and their passion and connection with the 'product' (their art).
Even though I really enjoy the business end of art, I still need reminders as well as learning new skills in this area. I am grateful for organizations like North Carolina Arts Council, Arts and Science Council and Creative Capital for understanding and doing something about the lack of business training in the arts fields. (See LINKS page for more info.)
I am very excited to be attending the one day Creative Capital workshop at Penland on September 10. One cannot beat the $40 fee for a day's instruction with this group!! Additionally, I love to share marketing and strategic planning with other artists and this fall is no exception.
I will be teaching a marketing mini-workshop at the Fort Mill Art Guild on October 17. Here's the link... http:// (And, if you're just getting started with the business of art, I'd highly recommend an Art Calendar subscription. It's a business magazine for artists and an excellent investment!)