Who has bought something online? Have you?
I have quite often and don't know many folks who have never made an online purchase. (My grandmother, who is in her 80's, is the only one I can think of off the top of my head.)
Too many traditional galleries are closing, taking on more artists or diversifying by selling "other than original art" products. Most everyone is feeling the pinch of this economy.
The trick to success in tough times is to learn, grow and adapt your business practices. There ARE people making plenty of money in spite of this crazy economy. What are they doing that is different? How can we as artists-who make AND market our products-make more money?
First, follow the trends. How do people purchase and take care of details of their lives? Why online of course!
As an artist, I just got on board with technology in the past five years and I came kicking and screaming. But, once I figured out some basic similarities and strategies for folding technology into my regular business practices, I see the value.... and, honestly, I do enjoy facebook, working on my website and online research.
Still, I don't update enough and may spend too much time on the silly side of fb, but any business person has to balance their day to day operations and adding technology tools is no different.
So, Happy New Year to everyone. As for me, I'm venturing out into uncharted waters with a brand new website (coming soon!) in which all my paintings will be for sale online.
And, I am happy to announce my business is now a division of Brushmark Studios, LLC. My husband and fellow artist, Chris Craft and I are now "officially" business partners.
My prayer is for all of us hard working individuals to have a prosperous 2011!